Why adopt DRS?

The right whale

Since 2005, the right whale has been listed as an endangered species in Canada. Every year, several are observed entangled in fishing gear ropes. Devocean’s over-demand submersible buoys (DRS) have been developed to eliminate such incidents.

Our buoys are useful in other ways too:

Reduced risk of entanglement

The DRS is a simple-to-use, effective option that eliminates ropes in the water column, leaving the way clear for marine life.

Income insurance

In the event of a fishing zone closure due to the presence of a right whale, continue to fish in the same zone, without having to move your fishing gear.

Reducing the number of lost gears

As the DRS buoy is underwater with the fishing gear, it is less affected by sea conditions. This reduces the risk of the buoy coming loose or the line breaking.

Theft Protection

All ropes are coiled inside the buoys, reducing the risk of accidents involving loose ropes on deck.

Safety on the boat deck

The DRS is a simple-to-use, effective option that eliminates ropes in the water column, leaving the way clear for marine life.


With the automatic rewinder, take advantage of the most effective cordless fishing solution on the market.

Contribute to achieving the UN’s sustainable development goals

Devocean focuses its development and practices on active participation in global sustainable development objectives.

American Program

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has established a program to guide the development of ropeless fishing gear in the months and years ahead. The program identifies research and technology needs related to ropeless fishing, and describes how these needs will be met. It also takes into account the economic, safety, operational and regulatory aspects associated with this technology.

Canadian Program

DFO is developing a long-term strategy to test and implement whale-safe fishing gear in the Canadian fishing industry. This strategy, which will be developed in consultation with Aboriginal partners, fishers, non-governmental organizations and academic experts, will guide the design and use of on-demand fishing gear.