Our solutions
Our solutions
Our buoys

Rope managementThe rope is carefully wound inside the buoy to free up space in the water column, making it easy to manage once aboard the boat.
FlotabilityThe floats allow the buoy to remain suspended above the seabed, while being held in place by the fishing traps.
Quick armingThe buoy is easily reset by simply pressing the locking arm, simplifying manual operations.
Lift mechanismThe locking latch is activated to release the rope, allowing the buoy to rise to the surface thanks to its positive buoyancy.
Sacrificial componentA secondary spring activated by a sacrificial screw allows the buoy to rise to the surface after several months underwater in the event of an electronic problem.

Rope management
Quick arming
Lift mechanism
Sacrificial component

On demandA transducer receives an acoustic signal sent by the user, which triggers the buoy to rise and retrieve the traps.
Bluetooth communicationDevocean systems can interact and exchange information out of the water via a Bluetooth connection.
Preparing for the next launchDuring recovery, the spool is rewound in sync with the recovery of the traps, quickly preparing the buoy for its next use.

On demand
Bluetooth communication
Preparing for the next launch

Automatic recovery in case of low batteryThe system wakes up once a day to check the battery level, and triggers an automatic rise if the level is too low.
Lift programmingThe user can program the buoy to rise after a specific time, using an integrated timer.
StackablesThe floats snap together for easy transport and a compact footprint.

Automatic recovery in case of low battery
Lift programming

Dimensions 18 po X 18 po X 22 po (45.7 cm X 45.7 cm X 55.9 cm)
Withtout rope 43.8 lbs (19.9 kg)
With rope 83.4 lbs (37.8 kg)
Maximum depth 820 pi (250 m ou 136 brasses)
Battery life 50 days without charge
Our rewinder

Ergonomic control panelAllows rewind speed and direction to be controlled according to the operator’s needs.
Adjustable rope guide with rollers and rodsEnsures perfect rope positioning during rewinding, regardless of rope diameter.
Rope guide beltProvides smooth, constant traction, preventing tangles.
Automatic tensionerAutomatically adjusts rope tension for optimal and safe rewinding.
Heavy-duty tensioning rollersKeep the rope in place and under tension throughout the process.
Smart proximity sensorsHelp detect the position of critical components and guarantee safe operation.
Clamping moduleAllows the buoy to be secured, to start rewinding safely.
CouplerAllows easy connection and disconnection of the rewinder to the buoy, ensuring fast and efficient use.
CommunicationsBluetooth receiver for communication with buoys before launching, and connection to a transducer for underwater communication.

Ergonomic control panel
Adjustable rope guide with rollers and rods
Rope guide belt
Automatic tensioner
Heavy-duty tensioning rollers
Smart proximity sensors
Clamping module

Dimensions 36 po X 22 po * MIN : 41 po / MAX : 58 po *(91.4 cm X 55.9 cm * MIN : 104 cm / MAX : 147 cm *)
Weight 120 lbs (54.4 kg)
Electrical needs Standard 120 V to a 15 A circuit.
Our app

Interactive mapReal-time visualization of boat position and submerged buoys, with simplified actions (submersions, release, recovery).
User interfaceUse of a touch-screen laptop computer (supplied by Devocean) to control the buoy system.
Simple, instinctive buoy release via acoustic signal to trigger trap retrieval.
Check buoy status (battery, planned ascent, etc.) via Bluetooth communication.
Recoveries planningProgrammable automatic recoveries triggered by a timer.
Interoperability with other fishermenReal-time, anonymous overview of submerged gear in the vicinity, when the application is connected to the Internet.
Systems supervision to detect electronic problems and validate correct operation of systems prior to submersion.
Annual license required to operate the lift system on request.

Interactive map
User interface
Recoveries planning
Interoperability with other fishermen

Local database (on the computer)
- Works offline
- Records every interaction with the buoy (submersions, triggers and recoveries)
- Each event includes the time, battery level and time remaining on the timer.
Cloud database
- Enables interoperability with other manufacturers
- Collaboration with Earth Ranger: anonymous display of other systems deployed within a 500 m radius.
- Guaranteed that information is only accessible by the equipment equipment owner and fishery officers.

Need a customized solution or more information?
Or call us 1-418-750-8653